

In 2023, 不幸的是,骗子比以往任何时候都要窃取更多的身份和个人信息. 这些不法分子使用各种手段窃取私人财务信息. Once they have access to a credit card or bank account details, they can make unauthorized charges, drain your accounts, and steal your identity. 

我们收到了许多会员的电话,他们在回复短信和网络钓鱼诈骗时提供了他们的网上沙巴买球和个人信息.  If the links are not, it is someone trying to steal your information. Do not reply to such a text, simply block the number.

以下是最近流传的一些诈骗短信. 您将注意到诈骗信息中的一些共同主题. The following are tells of a smishing message:

  • 电话号码丢失或不是科罗拉多州信用社的电话号码
  • The sender is requesting you call back a different phone number
  • The message includes links that look similar, but contain extra letters or numbers, or may not be related to the Credit Union of Colorado domain
  • They use a different domain qualifier such as .top, .biz, .net, or .online
  • The message contains content that is alarming but lacks details
  • There is poor grammar or spelling in the message
  • 发件人要求您提供用户名/密码或其他敏感信息
  • 发件人要求提供额外的详细信息,如一次性密码或社会安全号码
  • 发件人要求提供登录数字沙巴买球通常不需要的详细信息, such as social security numbers
  • 该消息不包括名称,科罗拉多信用合作社,或名称拼写错误


Screenshot of a texting scam


注意,在这个例子中,Credit Union of Colorado是缩写而不是拼写. The text also comes from an unknown number.


Warning: Do not test these fraudulent phone numbers or websites.


请注意,这个例子甚至没有提到科罗拉多州的信用合作社. In addition, 科罗拉多信用合作社永远不会发送信息要求回拨到一个随机的电话号码. NEVER try these fraudulent phone numbers or sites.


Cell Phone with Scam Text to Act Immediately


Notice the "problem" they are addressing.  此外,电话号码无法识别,URL也不正确. NEVER try these fraudulent phone numbers or sites.

A legitimate message from Credit Union of Colorado

下面是一个来自科罗拉多州信用合作社关于欺诈警报的真实欺诈警报的示例. You can tell that it is legitimate because:

  • The phone number remains the same each time
  • 消息中缺少紧迫感(我们可以稍后与您联系)
  • There are no spelling or grammar mistakes
  • The phone number to call remains the same between messages
  • 包含清晰的详细信息,如您的卡号的最后四位数字


Real fraud Text from CUofCO


The Five P's of common fraud schemes


1. Fraudsters PRETEND to be from a known organization.

骗子经常冒充政府机构或与你做生意的公司, such as the Credit Union of Colorado. 这些犯罪分子还会编造一些听起来像知名企业或服务提供商的名字,并利用技术改变来电显示上显示的号码.  来自信用合作社的信息将只包括网址

2. Fraudsters say there’s a PROBLEM

These crooks know how to get your attention. 他们会用恐吓手段让你对现金要求做出回应, gift cards, wire transfers, or account access. 受害者通常会在被告知他们需要打开钱包后被说服:

  • Owe back taxes 
  • Are in trouble with the law
  • Need to resolve an account issue
  • Are at risk of being physically hurt 
  • Have a family member in a financial crisis


3. Fraudsters PRESSURE you to act immediately.

Crooks want you to act fast and keep the communication secret. They might call, email or text with threats to arrest, sue, or humiliate you if you don't immediately do what they say. They don’t want you to take the time to verify their story.

科罗拉多信用合作社永远不会发送信息要求回拨到一个随机的电话号码. 我们发送的信息将包括名称,科罗拉多信用合作社.

4. Fraudsters tell you to PAY in a specific way.

Thieves often insist that you pay by cash, gift card, wire transfer, or virtual currency like Bitcoin. These payment methods are not easily traced or canceled. 有些人会寄给你一张虚假的纸质支票,金额超过所需的金额, 让你存起来,并让你把差额寄给他们.

5. Fraudsters ask you to claim a PRIZE.

Have you ever received an email, text, 或者打电话祝贺你参加了一个你不记得参加过的比赛或抽奖? As enticing as the notification sounds, 明智的消费者会忽略这些引诱受害者进入这种常见骗局的企图. 骗子会撒谎,说你中了彩票或获得了免费资助. 但有一个很大的陷阱——你必须支付一定的费用才能领取所谓的奖品.

How to Avoid Scams

Awareness is key to avoiding scams all year round. 在处理任何未经请求的个人信息请求之前,请记住:

  • Impersonation scams take many forms. 政府机构和科技公司很少会突然打电话给你,或者发短信要求付款. If it's a legitimate request, 如果你按公司网站上显示的电话号码给他们回电话,他们不会介意的.
  • Fraudsters manufacture fake problems and emergencies. 通过联系家人或当地执法部门确认外地事故和法律纠纷的索赔. Look up the number. 不要拨打来电者提供给你的号码或显示在你的来电显示上的号码-号码经常是伪造的!
  • 永远不要用虚拟货币支付解决法律问题或领取奖品, cash, a wire transfer, or gift cards. 这些付款方式很难追踪,而且通常与欺诈计划有关. 您可能无法对您授权的交易提出异议或撤销交易, even if you later discover it was a scam.
  • Credit Union of Colorado will NEVER ask you for a verification code, website password, or fully activated card number over the phone, via text message, or email. 当您与新沙巴体育网机构联系您的账户时, you may be asked to verify your identity in other ways. 你不应该向突然打电话给你的人透露财务细节. 
  • If it feels off, it probably is. 如果你要求几个小时来考虑,彩票、贷款和工作就不会落空. Trust your instincts! 

如果你认为你可能是一个骗局的受害者,我们建议使用我们的 Fraud Checklist 恢复你的账户安全,可能还有你的身份. 如果您怀疑与您的科罗拉多州信用社账户有关的欺诈行为,请立即致电800-444-4816与我们联系. 

Additional Resources

我们鼓励会员对潜在的欺诈计划保持警惕. Your best defense is awareness. 我们的风险部门最近发现,这些特定的骗局在全国范围内呈上升趋势: